20 Years of CargoLifter

The CargoLifter project was initiated by industrial partners in 1994. Faced with significant challenges to transport their heavy and large components to the construction site, a group of global players was urgently looking for an innovative transport solution capable of lifting more than 100 tons and oversized units up to 50 m in length.

Established in 1996, CargoLifter AG managed to build the world's largest hangar, design and operate the world's largest balloon and start the production of the largest airship ever. Hit by the downturn of the aviation industry after 9/11, CargoLifter AG had to stop activities during the financial crisis in 2002.

After the insolvency of CargoLifter AG, a core team founded CL CargoLifter GmbH & Co. KG aA in 2005. This new entity owns the patents of former CargoLifter AG and has been continuously creating additional expertise. Market driven right from beginning and strictly focused on lifting and transport of goods, CargoLifter has broadened-up its product range. With the actual step-by-step approach optimised solutions from small to large and from lifting to long distance transportation can be supplied to the market.